Web Design



Designing and ideating a Government page for OneSpring’s existing website to better showcase their past performances, capabilities, contract vehicles, and thought leadership for potential partners and government contractors.


Adobe XD 


Adobe Illustrator 

Adobe Photoshop 



Nina Grauer

David Bieschke

Richard Tran


During a 3-week sprint, our team was tasked with designing a Government page for OneSpring’s existing website, along with enhancing their accessibility throughout their website.


As a UX/UI designer, I led the design, wireframing, visual design, information architecture, prototyping, and testing. I also took part in the discovery and user research process.


Our team was given three weeks to research, synthesize, and test this concept to present to potential stakeholders.

Company Background

OneSpring is a design agency based out of Georgia. They focus on both commercial and Government work, and are looking to win more Government contracts. OneSpring values a service mentality, growth mindset, shared wisdom and proactivity.

Problem Stated by Client

OneSpring needs to add a Government Page to their website because they currently don’t have one to showcase their capabilities for potential partners.


We believe the creation of a well-structured “one-stop-shop” section of OneSpring.net that is focused on capabilities, past performance, and thought leadership will enhance marketability and exposure to OneSpring’s desired audiences. 

Solution Objective

OneSpring needs an online presence for partners and stakeholders focused on Federal Government contracting so that they can effectively show capabilities, past performance, and contract vehicles to visiting audiences.


We began user testing with the original site, but quickly realized that our pool of users weren’t going to give us the informed information we needed to move forward. 

We quickly realized we needed to switch gears and change from an Agile Design method to a Lean UX Design approach to reach our clients goals.

Competitive Analysis

We compared OneSpring’s competitors to analyze what other companies were showcasing on their government pages. 


With a Lean UX Approach, we started with ideation right away. Our first step in the process was conducting a non-traditional card sort that we called “The Hamburger”. Users created their own Government Page with elements from other competitors websites. This activity helped us to figure out the information architecture and flow of the page. 

From our card sort, we learned what content needed to be included on the Government page including: 

  • Contract Vehicles 
  • Company Values 
  • Past Performances
  • Thought Leadership 

Low-Fi Wireframe 

Our team took our sketches and turned them into low-fi wireframes, mapping out the hierarchy of the content and composition of the elements. 

Low-Fi Wireframes

Mid-Fi Wireframes & Prototypes 

Iteration 1 

After receiving affirmation on the low-fi wireframes, we continued iderating, creating a mid-fi wireframe and prototype. 


  1. Revise the design of the anchor bar
  2. Label Commercial Logos
  3. Government Under Work in Global Navigation

1st Iteration

Iteration 2 

Our main focus on iteration 2 was the anchor bar. We provided a few different options to our client to clarify their design direction. Our team found that by providing numerous options, we were able to move forward faster and more efficiently through our design process. 

Different anchor bar options

Iteration 3 

Accessibility was a major factor and consideration throughout our design process. With accessibility in mind, we had many iterations finding the right blue to contrast with the charcoal background and also have enough contrast with white text on top. 

Finally, after what seemed to be fifty shades of blue, we were able to find the right one! It is AA compliant with both white and gray, and it still maintains OneSpring’s signature look. 

Current State 

In our current state, we iterated on the position of the globe, so the audience will read the text left to right. We added a video for additional support on why a Partner should choose OneSpring, and we added a testimonial after our research proved that a testimonial builds trust with Partners. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Qualified users are hard to find, adaptability is key 
  • 508 compliance is important, but also a large undertaking 
  • Giving the client multiple options each round gave us a clearer idea of their vision 
  • Our client and their partners rely heavily on their established network

Next Steps 

  1. Internal A/B Testing 

            With many possible small tweaks for the Government page, additional testing is needed 

  1. Make the website 508 compliant

           Address issues raised in accessibility audit to get as close to AAA compliance as possible while

           maintaining branding 

  1. Career Page 

            Implement suggestions made on prototype of career page 

  1. Update Copy 

            Go through all copy on the site and see if there are any areas that should be reworked or re-worded